Produced in partnership with Giya Studios, the winning short video was created to promote the 35th Gawad Alternatibo, the longest-running independent film competition of...
The CCP Gawad Para sa Sining is the highest honor bestowed by the Cultural Center of the Philippines, recognizing Filipino artists and cultural workers...
Six groups of student filmmakers from Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) Manila were hailed winners in the short film and public service announcement (PSA) video...
Romalyn Ante is an award-winning Filipino-born, Wolverhampton-based poet, translator, editor and essayist. She is co-founding editor of harana poetry, an online magazine for poets writing in English...
Applicants may apply for one of three available grants: the FITCH Mid-Career Fellowship, a Richard L. BLINDER Award, and the Samuel H. KRESS Fellowship.
The Princess Grace Awards accepts nominations for early career creative generators (including but not limited to theater directors, playwrights, designers, choreographers, film directors, etc.)...
The TAA was created in order to showcase the works of artists who grasped to “restructure, restrengthen and renew artmaking and art thinking…that lend...
From the twelve (12) shortlisted artists, the winners are Ronson Culibrina for his solo exhibition Talim held at Blanc Gallery; Johanna Helmuth for her...
Leading the pack of new winners is 33-year old Dustin Edward Celestino, who won two first-place prizes for his works Ang Pangahas na si Pepe Rodriguez and The...