It is a captivating animated short film that transports viewers into the enchanting world of Filipino folktales while emphasizing the importance of protecting the...
Produced in partnership with Giya Studios, the winning short video was created to promote the 35th Gawad Alternatibo, the longest-running independent film competition of...
In an effort to share the experience of opera with Filipinos in the provinces, the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) recently brought Italian...
For Mindanaoan cultural workers and artists Jun Jamero, Lolito Pontillas and Leonardo Cariño, building connections and linkages is just as vital as the creative...
The project aimed to foster and strengthen community bonds among the young people in Tondo. Offering them a safe space to express themselves, Imagine...
Competing against 16 countries from around the world, the SPYC captivated the audience with their rendition of a diverse repertoire, including folk songs and...
A collaborative initiative of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) and Bench, Ternocon 2025 draws inspiration from 20th century Philippine contemporary art, encompassing...
The Cultural Center of the Philippines announces the opening of “On Site: Association of Pinoyprintmakers Annual Exhibition,” a group exhibition exploring the complex and...