Experience the unique timbres of woodwind instruments in the third installment of the CCP Out-of-the-Box Series (OOTB), featuring the PPO Woodwind Quintet with singers...
The third and final tier of the CCP Choreographers’ Series, NeoFilipino is a platform for established artists to collaborate with other art forms in...
Mabuhay Philippines will feature The Nightingales, composed of sopranos Bianca Camille Lopez-Aguila and Keiko Cressida Cayanga. The tour program will also include lecture demonstrations-workshops...
The Cultural Center of the Philippines brings together prints by women artists from different generations who represent potential and potency from the CCP 21st...
These MDEC events serve as prominent platforms for showcasing and celebrating the talents and innovations of individuals and organizations in the digital economy sector....
For Filipino puppet designer-maker and director Kayla Teodoro, stories are made all the more magical with puppetry. The creator of the life-sized Yubaba from...
Coined from two Filipino words Balagtasan and rap, the competition is open to all Filipinos, aged 18 and above. Interested participants have to form...