CCP presents “Homecoming Queens,” a PHSA Grade 12 Thesis Exhibition featuring works by Moon Caharop, Luce Melegrito, and Lei Ortega. The exhibition is ongoing until...
Markki Stroem, Arman Ferrer, and Poppert Bernadas are headliners in this year’s TRIPLE THREATS: THREE TENORS from October to December 2022 at the Cultural...
Coming 30 years after the last building was erected in the complex, the new state-of-the-art and world-class performing arts space represents CCP’s leap into...
The Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) gives way to the long-overdue rehabilitation of its Main Building and decides to close its theaters and...
Entitled Metamorphosis, PPO’s 38th season, which starts this September, features an outstanding roster of eight conductors will take the podium, five of whom are...
The program includes the works of Redentor Romero (Philippine Portraits) and Dmitri Shostakovich (Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Major, Op. 102) and Antonin Dvorak...