It is a captivating animated short film that transports viewers into the enchanting world of Filipino folktales while emphasizing the importance of protecting the...
To date, Cinemalaya has nurtured over 200 Filipino filmmakers and showcased over 1,000 of their works, including full-feature films, shorts, documentaries, Filipino film classics,...
Opening with a free screening of Roman Bondarchuk’s The Editorial Office – which was selected at this year’s Berlin Film Festival – on September 19 at...
As Piling Obrang Vidyo marks its 20th year, the festival embraces the theme “Tayo Ang Pelikula,” highlighting the vibrant tapestry of Filipino culture through...
The Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), in partnership with the Society of Filipino Archivists for Film (SOFIA) and in cooperation with ABS-CBN Sagip Pelikula,...
The festival accepts short film scripts of any genre, such as romance, drama, comedy, or horror, in any Filipino language with English translation. Entries...
Newly appointed FDCP chairperson and chief executive officer Jose Javier Reyes revealed that the AFS “aims to bring together all the stakeholders in the...
Department of Science and Technology - Science Education Institute’s (DOST-SEI) Indie-Siyensya calls for entries for a new season, bannering the theme “Science and Filipino...