“Grasya,” a film directed by recent Far Eastern University Communication graduate Audrey Vicencio, has been officially selected out of 3,150 films from 119 countries...
Alsen Estrella’s “Tahanan,” which tells the story of Sabel (Junyka Santarin) who searches for his younger brother Bert (Rein Matudan) as they escape from...
The Spanish Film Festival has been an annual attraction at Greenbelt since Instituto Cervantes started holding it in 2002. In line with this tradition,...
“Noli” by Rodnie Bolivar, Sean Harold Bongalon and Xierdon Manalo led UMak by bringing home Best Entry For/On/By Children and an additional honorable mention...
Interested filmmakers must submit their application on or before October 25 (Friday), 6:00 p.m. to the Film, Broadcast and New Media Division of the...
SINEliksik 2019 aims to relive and retell the stories of Bulakenyo heroes through documentaries, as well as conduct a comprehensive research on their lives...
Filipino Arts and Cinema, International recently announced its call for entries to the 26th Annual Filipino International Cine Festival to be held in October...
“Delta” by James Garcia and Luigi Macalintal and “In-Tay” by Leyvie Anne Santos will compete with ten other short films at Cinema Centenario, University...