Student filmmakers from De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde asserted their mastery of “the longest-running student film festival in the Philippines” by taking the...
"K5: Katutubong Kahoy Kontra Krisis sa Klima" directed by Celine Murillo bagged the best film award for the open category. The mini-documentary film discusses how planting native trees, while limited, is an important nature-based solution...
The Cinematheque Centres nationwide screened films from different student filmmakers, film organizations, and production teams. With its aim to extend support for the industry,...
Josh Van Ulric Campo and his production team from Recto Pictures led the winners from FEU Department of Communication by bagging Best Director, Best...
Ramri Rivota’s “Dalaw” (The Guest) led FEU awardees by winning Honorable Mention in Art Direction for Melbrick Morillo at the Festival de Cinema Internacional...
Indie-Siyensya is one of the first science filmmaking competition in the Philippines, pioneered by DOST-SEI to promote science and technology culture among the youth and the public using film...