Members of the Kurit-Lagting Art Collective renewed their calls for a clean and green environment by breaking free from plastic during an exclusive online...
In a series of paintings, photographs, and literary pieces made over a year through online exhibits, creative actions and art production sessions, the art...
Curated by Geri Matthew Carretero, the exhibition titled Pagbutwa II after the Bikolano word for the emergence and the resurfacing of something long concealed...
An upcoming online art exhibit titled Pagbutwa II is being organized by a group of artists, filmmakers, and writers which will feature homegrown talents...
The exhibition, titled Pagbutwa II, is inspired by the Bikolano word for the resurfacing of something long concealed. The idea refers to the Pagbutwa...
According to the organization, more online activities and virtual events these coming months. UAPSA Area B, District 5 is one of the duly recognized...
Bicolano visual artist Geri Matthew "Choi" Carretero is reviving the art of gum bichromate printing and image transfer techniques by teaching other artists and...
Members of the Kurit-Lagting Art Collective and youth participants including parents and teachers coming from the municipality of Prieto Diaz spearheaded by Good Neighbors...