NEWSMAKERS Escuela Taller de Filipinas Foundation work with BeSeekLeta For Everyone, Bambike for ‘Pamana Wheels Project’ Through this initiative, these organizations hope to provide heritage workers with a safer mode of transportation to work sites during the pandemic. Fringe StaffJune 19, 2021
NEWSMAKERS Continuing conservation efforts amidst COVID-19 Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Escuela Taller de Filipinas Foundation, Inc. continues to fulfill its mission of forming the Filipino youth to become protectors... Fringe StaffApril 28, 2021
NEWSMAKERS Bicolano environmental advocates hit legalization of garbage incineration under the guise of waste-to-energy plants Citing that incineration is prohibited under the Clean Air Act, the groups said that if burning of waste becomes legal, the plastics industry and... Fringe StaffMarch 1, 2021